
Everett's 1st Birthday | Stillwater, MN and Twin Cities Child Photographer

Happy Birthday Everett! I can't believe it has already been a year since your first two photo sessions. Check them out here and here. I'm so glad that I was able to join you at your grandma's barn and spend the morning playing :)

He loved dancing on the step of the barn!

Time for a cake smash in his great grandma's high chair. E wasn't to sure what to think about the cake he spent a few minutes playing with the frosting before pushing it to the ground.

Thanks again for letting me spend the morning with you. Happy Birthday!


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An Apple a Day | Stillwater, MN & Twin Cities Family Photographer

We had a night with perfect light for portraits at Aamodt's Apple Farm. The weather was far from perfect though. We completed the session in between rain and storm clouds that were rolling through the valley. Brenda and I talked a few times during the day to see if the session would be able to happen as planned. We decided would just go for it and if it decided to rain on us we would reschedule. I wasn't so sure the session was going to happen that night especially as I was driving to the orchard and it was raining. When I got of my car to meet them for the session the rain stopped just long enough for us. Once we were back in our vehicles it started to rain again. We were all thankful for the perfect timing we had that night!

I'm glad we decided to take ignore the weather and just go on with the session!


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Rockstar - Stillwater, MN Newborn Photographer

Piper was wide awake for a large portion of our session only take a few minute cat naps when swaddled nice and tight. She just didn't want to miss a thing. She finally fell sound asleep and was a rockstar for the end of the session. She even has the outfit to prove it!

I have this headband/bird cage veil for older girls. I thought it would be fun to try with the zebra print... I think we have a rockstar in the making!

Piper | 9 days
Weight | 8 lbs 7 oz
Length | 18 inches


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