If you aren't in the spirit of Halloween quite yet the photos of these cuties should help. These two couldn't be more adorable! Shawna called when they were on there way over for their family portraits and asked if it was alright if the boys changed into their Halloweencostumes/outfits after there family session. I was excited with their idea and think we got some super fun and cute portraits!
They even brought over their pumpkins decorated by the one and only Peter Parker (aka Evan). They got there pumpkins at the Minneapolis Farmers Marketdefinitely check it out next year for reasonably priced wonderful pumpkins.
I hope you are all ready to go out and get your costumes on tomorrow! Have a safe and fun Halloween everyone!
Charlie and Michelle had a small, private ceremony on a perfect Thursday evening in September. In attendance were 12 family members. There reception was the following Saturday with all of their family and friends in attendance. I'll be short on words today so I can get their post up quickly. I know they have been waiting, patiently, to see their sneak peek.
Charlie and Michelle are both skiers so we had a fun opportunity to take a ride on the chair lifts to get some pictures. Unfortunately, we were separated by a chair but we still captured some fun photos.
A fun ride down the alpine slide. I missed out on going down the slide but the wedding party all looked like they had a great time!
You are probably starting to recognized this family from my many blog posts about them. I have been shooting Evan since his one year portraits (pre-blog days) and most recently for his three year portraits. Wow time flies! This is Wyatt's first official session... he did make an appearence as a bump in his mom's tummy at our last session.
We had a blast capturing the first family portraits and then both of the little guys changed into their Halloween costumes! I'm going to save those photos for a post a little closer to Halloween. There's no better way to get into the mood of Halloween then photos of two adorable kids in their costumes. Until then enjoy these family portraits!
Two photoshoots, five feedings and one accident on mom make for lots of priceless photos! I was amazed at how much little Everett had changed in just two days he was already starting to get a little chunkier.
This was another photoshoot I had trouble selecting my favorites. I am only posting five here but there are A LOT more waiting to be posted in their online gallery.
The whole family: I hope you all enjoy the photos!
I cant believe it has already been six months since I started photographing Evalyn. If you have been following the blog at all she is becoming a familiar face with all of the blog posts if not you can see images from her first two photo sessions here and here.
I have known Everett's parents for quite sometime. I met his mom in our high school drafting class and his dad in junior high. I was very excited to meet this little guy. And even more excited when his parents told me they wanted to get pictures of him when he was just a few days old. Everett is the "newest" baby I have photographed. While he stayed curled for longer periods of time then other babies I have photographed he loved lifting his head up, kicking and waving his arms around and even rolling himself over. All at only 5 days old!
I also have to share a few quick snap shots. I got to visit all three of them when they were still at the hospital. Here is Everett and me when he is just a few hours old. Don't worry his parents will make an appearance on the blog in a few days. Everett in his car seat. Can you believe how tiny he is!?
Check back in a couple of days to see the second session we did of family photographs when he was just 1 week old.